Add rclcpp_action lib to the ros_core docker image

asked 2021-09-28 19:40:33 -0500

How do I add a missing ROS package to the ros_core docker image? Distro - eloquent.

I have a multi-stage docker file where I first build my project using the ros:eloquent-ros-base image and then copy the output to another stage that uses the ros_core image to minimize the final image size for deployment to an arm device with limited resources. I recently added actions to my project and it builds fine, but the final image is missing the rclcpp_action library. Any help or resources to figure out how to install missing package dependencies?

Thanks, Ed

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From your description you seem familiar with Docker images and how to build them.

Adding deb packages to a Docker image would come down to apt install-ing them.

Are you asking for a more automated process than manually adding that package to a RUN stanza?

gvdhoorn gravatar image gvdhoorn  ( 2021-09-29 03:01:33 -0500 )edit