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DWA suddenly stops when it arrives to the goal

asked 2021-08-10 03:56:17 -0500

rappy gravatar image

updated 2021-08-11 02:07:17 -0500

I am using move_base and dwa_local_planner. Robot moves smoothly at start but when it arrives to goal it suddenly stops instead of slowing down when getting closer to the goal. I have tried different acceleration values but it didn't effect the behavior. My planner parameters are set like this

  max_vel_trans: 1.0
  min_vel_trans: 0.1

  max_vel_x: 1.0
  min_vel_x: -1.0
  max_vel_theta: 1.0 
  min_vel_theta: 0.1 
  max_vel_y: 0.0
  min_vel_y: 0.0

  acc_lim_x: 0.15
  acc_lim_y: 0.0
  acc_lim_theta: 0.35
  acc_lim_trans: 0.15
  prune_plane: true  

  xy_goal_tolerance: 0.5
  yaw_goal_tolerance: 6.28
  latch_xy_goal_tolerance: false

  sim_time: 1.5
  sim_granularity: 0.1
  angular_sim_granularity: 0.1
  vx_samples: 20
  vy_samples: 1
  vth_samples: 20

  path_distance_bias: 32.0
  goal_distance_bias: 15.0
  occdist_scale: 0.02
  forward_point_distance: 0.325
  stop_time_buffer: 0.2
  scaling_speed: 0.25
  max_scaling_factor: 0.2
  oscillation_reset_dist: 0.05

  publish_traj_pc : true
  publish_cost_grid_pc: true
  controller_frequency: 1.0

Example of this behavior can be seen from rqt plots

image description image description

Edit 1: I have noticed that yaw goal tolerance is too high which prevents rotating_to_goal behavior in computeVelocityCommandsStopRotate function at the end and directly sets cmd_vel to 0. However, it still doesn't fix sudden stop problem if the goal yaw and final position yaw is in the given tolerance

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Why do we not see cmd_vel.linear.x in these plots? What is the black line?

Mike Scheutzow gravatar image Mike Scheutzow  ( 2021-08-11 20:39:28 -0500 )edit

Black line is cmd_vel actually I have changed the plot style manually but I think rqt didn't update the legend

rappy gravatar image rappy  ( 2021-08-12 02:00:07 -0500 )edit

A couple thoughts on your DWAPlanner config:

Your controller_frequency is insanely low, and is not consistent with the black dots in first plot. Most people prefer to inherit this rate from the parent move_base.

Under normal circumstances, DWAPlanner will linearly ramp the x velocity down to 0 once it is a certain distance from the goal. Your very low acc_lim_x and very short stop_time_buffer might be interfering with this ramp-down mechanism.

Mike Scheutzow gravatar image Mike Scheutzow  ( 2021-08-12 20:54:55 -0500 )edit

You are right I forgot to remove controller frequency parameter from this config and it is set to 15 in move_base config. So I have changed the parameters you have suggested to and it fixed the problem. Thanks for the advice.

acc_lim_trans: 0.3
acc_lim_x: 0.3
stop_time_buffer: 1
rappy gravatar image rappy  ( 2021-08-13 03:27:41 -0500 )edit

1 Answer

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answered 2021-08-13 08:52:25 -0500

Mike Scheutzow gravatar image

A couple thoughts on your DWAPlanner config:

Your controller_frequency is insanely low, and is not consistent with the black dots in first plot. Most people prefer to inherit this rate from the parent move_base.

Under normal circumstances, DWAPlanner will linearly ramp the x velocity down to 0 once it is a certain distance from the goal. Your very low acc_lim_x and very short stop_time_buffer might be interfering with this ramp-down mechanism.

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Asked: 2021-08-10 03:56:17 -0500

Seen: 259 times

Last updated: Aug 13 '21