Add a service to ParameterService

asked 2021-06-30 07:03:02 -0500

MCP-TTC gravatar image

updated 2021-07-02 01:47:24 -0500

Hi, I would like to extend the set of services around the parameters that a Node actually provides.

So far the involved classes are the following:

  • Node
    • NodeParameters
      • ParameterService

If I want to introduce a new parameter service, should I add it by inheriting ParameterServiceNew from ParameterService and then do something similar at each class of the list above?

Any suggestion on how to smartly add a new service with minimal impact on the aforementioned classes?

So far to me it sound I have to add it to the main classes involved...the above ones and their interfaces. Otherwise I could add the new methods to the interfaces and inherit the implementation classes.


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