ekf robot localization base_link_frame incorrect orientation

asked 2021-05-12 12:52:29 -0600

tung.nguyenngoc gravatar image

Hi, i have a problem relate to the base_link_frame of ekf. I use cartographer for SLAM and ekf_localization_node for publish odom to the robot. The thing is that if i use the odom that publish by the ekf, my robot can not make a map properly. And when i looked in rviz, i realized that all of my frame is so wrong, my front of my robot is the y axes of the "base_link_frame" option in ekf. So that when i moved my robot forward cause the robot thing it was move in the x direction so that the SLAM could not be done. How can i change my base_link_frame(in my case:base_footprint)'s orientation so that the x axis can be corrected to the front of the robot?

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