Autoware Carla Vector map
Can anyone provide me a Carla Town vector me with traffic light info? Thank you!
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Can anyone provide me a Carla Town vector me with traffic light info? Thank you!
1- when you download the carla simulator and extract the binary , find the OpenDRIVE maps Town01 .. 10 (.xodr)
2- use conversion tool like assure mapping tool to load the .xodr and make sure it include traffic lights.
3- you can use the same tool to save the .xodr into either KML map for OpenPlanner , or Lanelet2 map .
4- you can use a converter node inside Autoware.AI to convert the lanelet2 map to vector map.
I am trying but the position of the traffic lights are changing completely when I convert to Lanelet2. Any advice?
Do you have maybe a Town01 vector map or Lanelet2 to provide me?
Asked: 2021-04-28 06:59:59 -0500
Seen: 970 times
Last updated: Apr 29 '21
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