franka_gripper_node: Error loading shared libraries

asked 2021-04-22 12:48:57 -0500

grivera3 gravatar image

ROS dist: Melodic OS: Ubuntu 18.04 Robot: Panda arm

I am trying to run the command roslaunch franka_visualization franka_visualization.launch robot_ip:=<fci-ip> load_gripper:=<true|false> which will simply connect to my panda arm and check the connection.

Now, when I run the command, I receive the following output and error message:

/home/robotcontroller/ws_moveit/devel/lib/franka_gripper/franka_gripper_node: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory [franka_gripper-2] process has died [pid 30170, exit code 127, cmd /home/robotcontroller/ws_moveit/devel/lib/franka_gripper/franka_gripper_node __name:=franka_gripper __log:=/home/robotcontroller/.ros/log/aaf06548-a38f-11eb-82da-b4969150ff17/franka_gripper-2.log]. log file: /home/robotcontroller/.ros/log/aaf06548-a38f-11eb-82da-b4969150ff17/franka_gripper-2*.log

I believe it has something with, but I'm just very stuck and would appreciate any assistance!

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