cmd_vel values is lower than my limits

asked 2021-04-21 13:03:45 -0500

ege_yilmaz gravatar image

Hello everyone. My problem is that although I set my minimum velocity for both angular and linear velocities in yaml file, when I type "rostopic echo cmd_vel" I see that the cmd_vel values are below my limits. And that's why my motors don't work. And my robot cannot go into trajectory created by the global planner, it turns sharply when it moves away from trajectory. However, this only happens when the robot is moving straight. If the robot is spinning in place (only when angular velocity is publishing) then yes, my robot is obeying the limits in terms of angular velocity.

I suspect my problem is about the trajectory planner, however, I'm not sure. And I am using the dwa local planner.


I am using ros noetic, ubuntu 20.04 and aarch64 architecture. And I am sure that only dwa local planner send to data’s (cmd_vel message) to my robot motors (actually teensy 3.6 and arduino).

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