Realsense d400 Series not including all parameters

asked 2021-04-21 07:18:42 -0500

AntoineKuleba gravatar image

updated 2021-04-21 07:21:30 -0500

Hi every one.

I am currently trying to calibrate my D435i camera, and I am doing it through the realsense-viewer. Now I would like to apply those parameters on Ros, but the problem is, that most params of the realsense-viewer are not present either in the dynamic param (dynamic reconfigure) or in the launch file (I am using the realsense2_camera pkg).

More specifically, I would like to adjust the dc_second_peak_threshold param, but I can not find it. From this documentation, it seems that this param exists, but not for my D435i:

Is it correct or am I missing something? I am working on Ubuntu 18.04 with Ros melodic If so, why is it not accessible on this model?


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