Is a Python 3 Subscriber Node in ROS Melodic Simple to Make?
Im brand new to ROS (just about a day of self learning through the wiki) and I'm trying to figure out whether or not I can make a python3 subscriber node in ROS Melodic.
I have, in searching for an answer, seen mixed responses and I think some of the nuances of the answers I have seen are going over my head.
I guess a way to simplify my question, is to ask whether or not all it would take to make a Python3 Subscriber node on a standard, apt installation (no compiling from source), is changing the
!/usr/bin/env python
header at the top to
!/usr/bin/env python3
Of course, I do realize this may be an XY problem, so I will also include some details about why I'm trying to accomplish this.
I am using ROS Melodic rather than ROS2 or a newer version of ROS because I am using the latest Jetpack (Ubuntu 18.04) with a Jetson Nano 2Gb as that seems to be the latest version that is supported on this platform without a lot of headache.
I already have some python3 code that uses adafruit_servokit (Which requires circuit python (and blinka for that)) to operate a robotic arm via a standard PCA9685 I2C PWM driver board, and was hoping I could more or less drop it in place to have some ROS modules control it instead.
I imagine the alternative is to look into other PCA9685 drivers and mostly do the same thing but in python 2.7, but well, python3 is nicer so if it was possible and it was just a simple change I was unaware of in my way, i'd like to go that route instead.
For reference to where I'm at with ROS, I finished about 14 of the 21 beginner tutorials (choose the python path for more rapid results and skipped a few of the last tasks to come back to if necessary/later), and have gotten to a point where I have made a custom URDF for my robot arm and have the virtual arm controllable via joint_state_publisher_gui.
Summary Question: Is it a simple task to make a Python 3 Subscriber Node in ROS Melodic?