PhidgetBridge 4-Input support

asked 2021-03-04 05:13:24 -0500

CCM gravatar image


im trying to get the data from the PhidgetBridge 4-Input into ros noetic (e.g. publishing the sensor values on a topic). As far as i've understood this device is not supported yet. Is that correct or could i reuse one of the existing packes in phidgets_drivers? Maybe with minor modification?

So far i've tried using the analog input nodelet roslaunch phidgets_analog_inputs analog_inputs.launch(pulled and built the noetic branch) however i got the connection problem: [ERROR] [1614854548.863487183]: AnalogInputs: Failed to open device: Timed Out(device is pluged in usb port an visible in /dev)

If unsupported, i'm willing to try to contribute, however as i've never done anything alike i would appriciate any reccomendation or help on what steps to take?

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