Ros moveit pick always off set

asked 2021-02-23 02:36:21 -0500

JRZ gravatar image

updated 2021-02-26 08:44:41 -0500


i got a Problem with the Pick comand in ros. The robot moves to the object but with an offset. When I change the quaternions of the created box, it is offset somewhere else to the object. How do I get it to move exactly to the object? Here is my code for the addbox and the pick and a picture.

def add_box(self, timeout=4):

    box_name = self.box_name
    scene = self.scene

    box_pose = geometry_msgs.msg.PoseStamped()
    box_pose.header.frame_id = "world"
    box_pose.pose.orientation.w = 0
    box_pose.pose.orientation.x = -1
    box_pose.pose.orientation.y = 0
    box_pose.pose.orientation.z = 0
    box_pose.pose.position.z = 0
    box_pose.pose.position.x = 0.3
    box_pose.pose.position.y = 0.3
    box_name = "part"
    scene.add_box(box_name, box_pose, size=(0.1, 0.2, 0.05))
    self.box_name = box_name
    return self.wait_for_state_update(box_is_known=True, timeout=timeout)


panda_move.move_group.pick(object_name='part' , grasp=[],plan_only=False)

image description

with box_pose.pose.orientation.y = 1 or with box_pose.pose.orientation.y = -1 you get this:

image description

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Your picture did not upload. Could you try again please?

fvd gravatar image fvd  ( 2021-02-23 19:36:19 -0500 )edit

Sorry for that. Now the picture should be uploaded

JRZ gravatar image JRZ  ( 2021-02-25 10:29:27 -0500 )edit

So your pick is always offset by this amount when you set the quaternion to this value? And the problem doesn't occur when your quaternion is neutral? What happens for other orientations?

fvd gravatar image fvd  ( 2021-02-25 11:01:45 -0500 )edit

Wenn the quaternion are w=1 and everything else is 0 the Roborter ist upside down. Wenn y=-1 the Roboter ist on the other side or somewhere else.

JRZ gravatar image JRZ  ( 2021-02-26 02:22:21 -0500 )edit

I'm not sure what the issue is, but I would post pictures for those test cases to get a better idea.

fvd gravatar image fvd  ( 2021-02-26 05:54:10 -0500 )edit

I updatet the post.

JRZ gravatar image JRZ  ( 2021-02-26 08:44:58 -0500 )edit