2 wheeled Differential drive not moving in straight line only while moving backwards.

asked 2021-01-04 09:30:21 -0500

kamal_nathan gravatar image

updated 2022-05-15 08:28:05 -0500

lucasw gravatar image

I generated the URDF using Onshape-to-robot and added the transmission tags for wheels. The bot is configured with "libgazebo_ros_diff_drive.so"

It works fine with the turtlebot3_teleop for forward direction ,clockwise and anti-clockwise rotations but in backward direction it deviates from straight line path and goes left. these are the files:

As i have low points i'm uploading the video in the git repos's issues kindly look into it: https://github.com/KamalanathanN/abot...

I intially had drifting issuse with my URDF which i resolved by increasing the mass and corresponding interial matrixes. Does this deviation from straight path has something to do with the center of mass of chassis and the wheels.. the center of mass of the chassis is more towards the front.

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