I Need to know how to use pymodbus In ros to write the Modbus registers

asked 2020-12-15 08:23:44 -0500

Maria1001 gravatar image

I am an intern in a company and I am a part of a project to make a Ballbot. I am trying to make my motor run using Modbus RTU and now searching for information on how to write the Modbus registers through ROS. I have installed ROS noetic version 1.15.9 and not sure how to proceed. can someone please help me?

The instruction given to me is that to "control the Modbus using the ROS node and to understand how to use pymodbus In ROS" I have found a Github, https://github.com/HumaRobotics/modbus which is a wrapper from the Modbus communication to standardized ROS messages. Will this help me to proceed?

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