Catkin_Make problem with ubuntu 20

asked 2020-11-01 20:11:44 -0500

cbarb15 gravatar image

I am currently following the basic ros tutorial and I get a catkin_make not found error. I am using Ubuntu 20 and I installed ROS 2 Foxy Fitzroy. I was going through the setting up your environment and creating a catkin workspace part and I keep getting the

Command 'catkin_make' not found, but can be installed with: sudo apt install catkin

I found this answer on the and did exactly what it said, but have still had no luck. I've added the source opt/ros/foxy/setup.bash to my ~/.bashrc file and when I go into my catkin_ws and type catkin_make it says the above. I am a newbie to ros and am trying to learn. Thanks in advance

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