How to stop for obstacle using velocity_set in autoware?

asked 2020-09-09 05:11:40 -0500

barisersoy gravatar image

Hi you!

I am using autoware 1.13.0. Now I want to make the car avoid or stop for obstacles (the car will decrease speed or stop when there is obstacle in front of). I am using waypoint_loader for reading csv file. (It include my saved waypoints.). Also I m using lane_navi, lane_rule, lane_stop, lane_select, astar_avoid, velocity_set, twist_filter and pure_pursuit. The car can moves but does not stop for obstacle. I set points_topic to points_nonground instead points_raw. Can you help me with how to configure velocity_set or other nodes on autoware to archive my goals?

thank you!

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@TakaHoribe You're probably best-qualified to answer this. Can you give some pointers?

Josh Whitley gravatar image Josh Whitley  ( 2020-09-16 22:41:58 -0500 )edit