xacro set arg with concatenated property and argument

asked 2020-09-08 20:44:43 -0500

noob_ros gravatar image

How do I set a xacro arg with a property and another arg

<xacro:arg name='concatenated_arg' default='${property}$(arg argument)' />

In fact, just trying to set a xacro arg with property or arg throws error: Unable to call parseURDF

<xacro:arg name='concatenated_arg' default='${property}' />

<xacro:arg name='concatenated_arg' default='$(arg argument)' />
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Shouldn't you use double-quotes for attribute values in XML?

Edit: apparently both are legal, as long as you are consistent.

@noob_ros: please provide a stand-alone .xacro file which exhibits your problem so others can easily reproduce it.

gvdhoorn gravatar image gvdhoorn  ( 2020-09-09 01:56:15 -0500 )edit