Set up collision with only certain models

asked 2020-08-19 02:05:17 -0500

captainzhao gravatar image


Currently I have all the models in my world static and my robot can collide with them, which is good. Now I want to dynamically change the models' poses. Since I cannot use /gazebo/set_model_state to change a pose of a static model, I need to set the models to non-static. However, now if I accidentally set a model pose to overlap with another model, they can collide and move unexpectedly. I am thinking about using the contacttag in sdf ( to set certain models only collide with certain other models (like only my robot), but not with other furniture models. However, I am having trouble playing with the different options under contact and could not get it to work. I could not find much examples online to get an answer.

Is this possible to do this? Any other suggestions to solve this problem?


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