ROS2 on BeagleBone Black or Green

asked 2020-06-14 04:03:35 -0500

robotogo gravatar image

In various student projects am currently working with the Ubuntu 18.04 ROS Melodic image from See: - sorry it is only in german language ;-)

The BeagleBone image I am using originates from

In future I want to switch to ROS2. Are there any ready-to-use images with ROS2 available for the BeaglBone-Platform?

Maybe someone can help me with an link on some internet pages dealing with this issue? Most of the information concerning ROS on the BeagleBone I find here and elsewhere is a few years old and outdated.

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Did you happen to find a solution to this?

mrunaljsarvaiya gravatar image mrunaljsarvaiya  ( 2021-04-02 16:21:21 -0500 )edit