How do I move the end of my robot arm to a specific coordinate?

asked 2020-04-22 06:48:38 -0500

whitecatshiro gravatar image

I'm having troubles trying to move an ABB 120 robot to a specific coordinate in space. I'm using the script to control the abb 120 arm in moveit.

When i try to execute the go_to_pose_goal function it brings up the error about having no motion plan. I believe this motion plan would bring the end effector to a specific position without having to adjust the joint_goals of each link.

============ Press `Enter` to execute a movement using a joint state goal ...

============ Press `Enter` to execute a movement using a pose goal ...

[ INFO] [1587555651.566048181]: ABORTED: No motion plan found. No execution attempted.
============ Press 'Enter' to execute home state ...

============ Python tutorial demo complete!

I understand how to move the entire arm itself using joint_goals, but i want to be able to move the end effector to a specific position and orientation without having to individually update each joint_goal.

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Just a quick comment: the ABORTED shown there basically just means that the planner was unable to find a trajectory from the current pose of the robot to whatever goal pose you've specified. You'll have to try and find out why that is the case.

As to your end goal (ie: move TCP to Cartesian pose): that's expressly supported by MoveIt, so if it doesn't work, it could be you're not using the available functionality correctly.

gvdhoorn gravatar image gvdhoorn  ( 2020-04-22 07:02:27 -0500 )edit

Hi gvdhoorn, is there a way to see the cartesian plane coordinates visibly in moveit! to see where the reference point for my robot base_link is at and to see the maximum coordinates of the robot's workspace?

whitecatshiro gravatar image whitecatshiro  ( 2020-04-22 09:43:30 -0500 )edit