Separate joint states when using gazebo

asked 2020-03-20 06:11:01 -0500

lchop gravatar image

I am in the case where I have a mobile base and an arm on it. When I am using the real robot I have manage to separate Joint states with one /base/joint_states with the positions of the wheels and another one /arm/joint_states with the positions of the arms joints. But when I am switching to gazebo I have still the two topics but with all the joints positions combined: I have a bigger joints states array : 4 wheels positions + 3 arms positions duplicated.

Is there anyway to have the same configuration with separated joint states when using gazebo ? Best regards LC

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Hi @ouischopot,

This behaviour is the expected when using the Joint State Publisher or the Robot State Publisher since those nodes aggregates all joint info into one topic. In order to have multiple sets of joint states I think you will need to implement your own joint state publisher.

Another option is to launch two descriptions having one JSP for each one.

Weasfas gravatar image Weasfas  ( 2020-03-24 14:59:34 -0500 )edit

Hi @ouischopot,

This behaviour is the expected when using the Joint State Publisher or the Robot State Publisher since those nodes aggregates all joint info into one topic. In order to have multiple sets of joint states I think you will need to implement your own joint state publisher.

Another option is to launch two descriptions having one JSP for each one.

lchop gravatar image lchop  ( 2020-03-30 05:05:05 -0500 )edit