ROS 2 Installation Problem

asked 2020-01-26 17:59:51 -0600

Afrobot gravatar image


I'm currently trying to install ROS 2 on Windows 10 by following this guide.

When I try to Setup the Environment get the following message in the cmd window:

"" set CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=C:\dev\ros2-windows" cannot be processed syntactically at this Point.
"" set PYTHONPATH=C:\dev\ros2-windows\Lib\site-packages" cannot be processed syntactically at this Point.
"" set AMENT_PREFIX_PATH=C:\dev\ros2-windows" cannot be processed syntactically at this Point.
"" set PKG_CONFIG_PATH=C:\dev\ros2-windows\lib\pkgconfig" cannot be processed syntactically at this Point.

Does someone know what I can do to fix this? Unfortunatley I'm completley new to ROS.

Thanks in Advance!

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Is there a reason you are trying Cystal which is over a year old and has recently been EOLed ( Maybe try the same with Eloquent or Dashing instead?

Dirk Thomas gravatar image Dirk Thomas  ( 2020-01-27 14:13:12 -0600 )edit