How to compile openni_ros with SSE2 only support?
I have the latest Debian Diamondback packages installed on an older laptop (Sony Vaio VGN-TX750P) which makes a nice light brain for an iRobot Create. I am having trouble getting a Kinect to work with the openni_ros stack. I understand the Debian packages are compiled for SSE3 support and this laptop has only SSE2. So I downloaded the openni_ros source from and ran a "rosmake --rosdep-install". The build completed without errors, but when trying to run "roslaunch openni_camera openni_node.launch" in debug mode, the node is dying with an "Illegal Instruction" error which I have come to learn usually means the package is still assuming SSE3 support.
Does anyone know how to tell the build process for openni_ros to only expect SSE2?
Thanks! patrick