Error in launching Gazebo in AUTOWARE??
Operating system and version: Ubuntu 18.04 gcc (Ubuntu 7.4.0-1ubuntu1~18.04.1) 7.4.0 cmake version 3.10.2
Autoware installation type Built from source
Autoware version 1.12.0-alpha2
ROS distribution: melodic ROS installation type: sudo apt-get install ros-melodic-desktop-full Gazebo 9
I am trying to launch gazebo using autoware and I am getting this following error:
/home/king/autoware/ros/install/runtime_manager/lib/runtime_manager/ wxPyDeprecationgarning: Call to deprecated item.
loading param.yaml
loading qs.yaml
Subscribe[localization] topic=/ndt_stat, key=/ndt_stat.NDTStat.exe_time
Subscribe[detection] topic=/topic2, key=/topic2
Subscribe[detection] topic=/topic1, key=/topic1
loading setup.yaml
loading map.yaml
loading sensing.yaml
loading computing.yaml
loading interface.yaml
loading data.yaml
loading simulation.yaml
['rosparam', 'set', '/use_sim_time', 'false']
loading status.yaml
loading state.yaml
loading topics.yaml
( Gtk-WARNING **: 23:55:46.989: Negative content width -15 (allocation 1, extents 8x8) while allocating gadget (node entry, owner GtkEntry)
( Gtk-WARNING **: 23:55:46.990: Negative content width -15 (allocation 1, extents 8x8) while allocating gadget (node entry, owner GtkEntry)
( Gtk-WARNING **: 23:55:46.990: Negative content width -15 (allocation 1, extents 8x8) while allocating gadget (node entry, owner GtkEntry)
( Gtk-WARNING **: 23:55:46.991: Negative content width -15 (allocation 1, extents 8x8) while allocating gadget (node entry, owner GtkEntry)
( Gtk-WARNING **: 23:55:46.991: Negative content width -15 (allocation 1, extents 8x8) while allocating gadget (node entry, owner GtkEntry)
( Gtk-WARNING **: 23:55:46.992: Negative content width -15 (allocation 1, extents 8x8) while allocating gadget (node entry, owner GtkEntry)
( Gtk-WARNING **: 23:55:46.993: Negative content width -13 (allocation 3, extents 8x8) while allocating gadget (node entry, owner GtkEntry)
( Gtk-WARNING **: 23:55:46.993: Negative content width -12 (allocation 4, extents 8x8) while allocating gadget (node entry, owner GtkEntry)
( Gtk-WARNING **: 23:55:46.993: Negative content width -12 (allocation 4, extents 8x8) while allocating gadget (node entry, owner GtkEntry)
( Gtk-WARNING **: 23:55:46.994: Negative content width -15 (allocation 1, extents 8x8) while allocating gadget (node entry, owner GtkEntry)
( Gtk-WARNING **: 23:55:46.994: Negative content height -11 (allocation 1, extents 6x6) while allocating gadget (node entry, owner GtkEntry)
( Gtk-WARNING **: 23:55:46.995: Negative content width -15 (allocation 1, extents 8x8) while allocating gadget (node entry, owner GtkEntry)
( Gtk-WARNING **: 23:55:46.995: Negative content height -11 (allocation 1, extents 6x6) while allocating gadget (node entry, owner GtkEntry)
( Gtk-WARNING **: 23:55:46.995: Negative content width -1 (allocation 1, extents 1x1) while allocating gadget (node border, owner GtkFrame)
( Gtk-WARNING **: 23:55:46.995: Negative content width -15 (allocation 1, extents 8x8) while allocating gadget (node entry, owner GtkEntry)
( Gtk-WARNING **: 23:55:46.995: Negative content height -11 (allocation 1, extents 6x6 ...