error when launch schunk_pg70 robot.launch

asked 2019-06-17 09:11:15 -0500

k5519995 gravatar image

updated 2019-06-17 13:56:21 -0500

gvdhoorn gravatar image


I try to set up a Schunk Lwa4p with PG70 gripper, using:


  • Schunk Lwa4p
  • Schunk Pg70 gripper
  • Peak CAN-USB interface device


  • Ubuntu 16.04 (Kernel 4.15.0-51-generic)
  • ROS kinetic
  • schunk_modular_robotics , schunk_robots packages
  • ros_canopen

I can manage to initialize the arm successfully and using dashboard I can execute the available actions like wave, home, etc.

Even I am able to initialize the pg70 gripper using robot.launch but I can not execute the availabe actions like close, open, etc. I have checked the /diagnostics topic in that "gripper/driver: motor" is getting error code. Like following :

$ rostopic echo /diagnostics -n1
  seq: 104
     secs: 1560778398
     nsecs: 961220017
  frame_id: ' '
    level: 0
    name: "gripper/driver: chain"
    message: ' '
    hardware_id: "none"
    values: [ ]
    level: 0
    name: "gripper/driver: motor"
    message: ' '
    hardware_id: "none"
           key: "error_register"
           value: "32"
           key: "errors"
           value: ' '
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