joystick input convert to CAN-message

asked 2019-05-22 07:23:25 -0500


I am an absolute newbie and would be happy about your help. I want to convert the inputs of a gamepad (axes, buttons) into a self-defined can-message. I read the gamepad with joy_node and want to convert the inputs into can-messages. I then want to forward them to the kvaser_can_bridge (can_tx).
I have no experience with c++ and am new to ROS. Can anyone help me?

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If you are new to both C++ and ROS, I would recommend using python if possible it has a much easier learning curve than C++. If you work through the set of beginner tutorials in python then you should have a good idea how to go about this.

PeteBlackerThe3rd gravatar image PeteBlackerThe3rd  ( 2019-05-22 10:17:51 -0500 )edit