Cannot initialize the libusb library. Error = LIBUSB_ERROR_OTHER

asked 2019-04-22 18:30:28 -0500

yurishima1808 gravatar image

I am working with a ROS driver for the FLIR A65 IR Camera that I found here:

I am using this driver with eBUS SDK eBUS_SDK_4.1.7.3988_Ubuntu-14.04-x86_64 and OpenCV2.4.13. I also included the package "camera_base" located here:

I am using ROS Kinetic on Ubuntu 16.04LTS and I create a catkin_ws, add the flir_gige repo as a package. I also add the image_common ros package and the camera_base package. I already have the eBUS SDK and openCV installed. I also have the camera connected to my machine via POE injector and can ping it. I do a catkin_make and everything runs fine. However, I then do: "roslaunch flir_gige node.launch ip_address:= fps:=20 raw:=false" and I receive the following error:

started roslaunch server http://flir_gige:39215/


 * /rosdistro: kinetic
 * /rosversion: 1.12.14
 * /thermal/calib_url: 
 * /thermal/camera_name: flir_ax5
 * /thermal/fps: 20.0
 * /thermal/frame_id: thermal
 * /thermal/identifier:
 * /thermal/raw: False

  /thermal (flir_gige/flir_gige_node)


process[thermal-1]: started with pid [206]
106 ERR     /System.cpp 525 EnumerateHostControllers    Cannot initialize the libusb library. Error = LIBUSB_ERROR_OTHER
107 ERR     /System.cpp 525 EnumerateHostControllers    Cannot initialize the libusb library. Error = LIBUSB_ERROR_OTHER
[ERROR] [1555974236.304700326]: /thermal: not found. Available IP Address(es): 
[thermal-1] process has finished cleanly
log file: /root/.ros/log/a7b89ef4-49e6-11e9-92bb-02420aff000c/thermal-1*.log
all processes on machine have died, roslaunch will exit
shutting down processing monitor...
... shutting down processing monitor complete

I am using libusb-1.0-0-dev Has anyone ever seen this error? I can't make it go away.

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