How to use ros_canopen pkg?
HI,everybody, I'm a new guy to ROS.I have a problem on how to use ros_canopen.I have a little robot arm which have three DOF.I have seen a lot of answers on ROS answers.Now I got a USB-CAN device which produced by peak-system and I found the LINUX kernel already have the peak-usb driver, so I can use the candump and cansend now.I can get the CAN frames by using candump,so what's next. I want to know how to config the canopen_motor_node and canopen_chain_node. It looks like I need to prepare the URDF file.And I want to know how to code the controller config and driver config,I realy don't know what is controller do.It's so hard!
What I have now is 1: a USB-CAN device produced by peak-system which has peak-usb driver in linux kernel.
2: a robot arm which has three DOF and the robot arm was designed by myself. The frameless Torque Motor was bought from a unfamous manufacture.
3: three drivers which were produced by copley controls.And eds file.
4: a laptop.
What I have done is 1: I have run ROS kinetic on my laptop.And I put the ros_canopen pkg in a workspace.But when I run catkin_make I got errors: Could not find a package configuration file provided by "controller_manager_msgs",It looks like the ros_canopen pkg need to config controller pkg ,but I have never used ros_controller before.
2:I have used candump and cansend to test the CAN frames.It looks like the socketcan_interface works.
3:I have tried to control the robot arm by using DSP28335 and it works,I wrote a simple canopen program in DSP but I think the program I wrote is very bad.While I still achieved to control the robot arm using canopen in DSP.
What I want to do is using canopen to control my robot arm in ROS.In my view, if I can achieve to send or receive CAN frames, the canopen can achieve by coding protocol.That's what I tried to code in DSP28335 before. So what do I need to do next? Try to config the controller?Prepare the URDF? I am confused.
Hey did you find an answer? I have the same issue with different motors and the same usb-can converter. I was reading the documentation about the api and about the stack but I still don't get the logic. If you've had a solution like a first step, like read or write an sdo could you please share it? thanks!
@af.villamil231,Hi bro, I'm so sorry to reply to you so late. I have been looking for a job for a couple of months. I have solved the question in my own way, you can check it out on my github In my view, if you can achieve to receive or send CAN data, you can achieve CANopen. So the first thing is to achieve to receive or send CAN data. The offical ros_canopen package is based on socket. If you don't know about socket, it wil be hard to use offical ros_canopen package. I have tried to realize about socket, but I still can't do it well. So I chose my own way to achieve CANopen in ROS. By reading my code on github, maybe you can get some information. If you have any questions, just ask me. I will ...(more)
@af.villamil231 , If you have the api about yout usb-can device, you need to check out which is used to receive or send CAN data. And the device need a drive to work in Linux. The device that I used is peak-system USB-CAN device. So you need something like a in your Linux. You can use the function dlopen to open in your program, then you can invoke the api.