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how build binary packages for my repository

asked 2019-02-19 02:57:26 -0500

M_Tar gravatar image

Hello I want to build binary packages for my repository, is it possible to do it without setting up a buildfarm deployment, how can i create suitable rosdistro and ros_buildfarm_config configuration files so that the ros_buildfarm devel scripts can be run on my local machines.

I stock with this that Resolved the dependencies to the following binary packages: ros-melodic-My-Debendency-Packages

how to make release dependencies locally for private packages and should i add them like in following form in the file rosdistro/melodic/distribution.yaml like this

release: tags: release: release/melodic/{package}/{version} url: version: 0.7.14-0

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1 Answer

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answered 2019-03-01 09:31:45 -0500

nuclearsandwich gravatar image

My recommendation for most people building three or fewer packages is to set up enough configuration to run bloom, then create your own environment for actually building the package. If you're building many packages it might make more sense to create a ros_buildfarm_config repo so you can take advantage of the automation.

It's possible to use the ros_buildfarm library to create binaries for your package without setting up a buildfarm deployment. However it does require that you set up most of the configuration for a buildfarm deployment and you need to provide a local rosdistro cache. I've built mock buildfarms for this purpose before but it's very involved and it's not something I've been able to package in a friendly, redistributable way.

Generating debian metadata with bloom requires creating less configuration. If I recall correctly, just a custom rosdistro index and distribution.yaml and possibly some additional custom rosdep keys. Once you have the debian metadata created you can build the debian package in any environment you want. The ros_buildfarm scripts only automate the process of creating an isolated container, installing dependencies, and running the package build commands but to automate all that requires more configuration as outlined in the previous paragraph.

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Asked: 2019-02-19 02:57:26 -0500

Seen: 317 times

Last updated: Mar 01 '19