turtlebot01/map does not exist when running amcl_demo.launch for two turtlebots
I am using Ubuntu14.04 and ROS Indigo to work on two turtlebots navigation. The way I configure the network is to run master_discovery_fkie and master_sync_fkie on each computer. Now I can see topics and services published from each computer.
Then I run roslaunch turtlebot_bringup minimal.launch
and roslaunch turtlebot_navigation amcl_demo.launch map_file:=...
on turtlebot01. The minimal.launch seems working but I am getting an error message when running amcl_demo:
[ WARN] [1549645522.472822603]: Timed out waiting for transform from base_footprint to turtlebot01/map to become available before running costmap, tf error: canTransform: target_frame turtlebot01/map does not exist.. canTransform returned after 0.100288 timeout was 0.1.
Here I paste minimal.launch, amcl_demo.launch and move_base.launch.xml
My minimal.launch:
<group ns="turtlebot01">
<param name="tf_prefix" value="turtlebot01"></param>
<!-- Turtlebot -->
<arg name="base" default="$(env TURTLEBOT_BASE)" doc="mobile base type [create, roomba]"/>
<arg name="battery" default="$(env TURTLEBOT_BATTERY)" doc="kernel provided locatio for battery info, use /proc/acpi/battery/BAT0 in 2.6 or earlier kernels." />
<arg name="stacks" default="$(env TURTLEBOT_STACKS)" doc="stack type displayed in visualisation/simulation [circles, hexagons]"/>
<arg name="3d_sensor" default="$(env TURTLEBOT_3D_SENSOR)" doc="3d sensor types [kinect, asux_xtion_pro]"/>
<arg name="simulation" default="$(env TURTLEBOT_SIMULATION)" doc="set flags to indicate this turtle is run in simulation mode."/>
<arg name="serialport" default="$(env TURTLEBOT_SERIAL_PORT)" doc="used by create to configure the port it is connected on [/dev/ttyUSB0, /dev/ttyS0]"/>
<arg name="robot_name" default="$(env TURTLEBOT_NAME)" doc="used as a unique identifier and occasionally to preconfigure root namespaces, gateway/zeroconf ids etc."/>
<arg name="robot_type" default="$(env TURTLEBOT_TYPE)" doc="just in case you are considering a 'variant' and want to make use of this."/>
<param name="/use_sim_time" value="$(arg simulation)"/>
<include file="$(find turtlebot_bringup)/launch/includes/robot.launch.xml">
<arg name="base" value="$(arg base)" />
<arg name="stacks" value="$(arg stacks)" />
<arg name="3d_sensor" value="$(arg 3d_sensor)" />
<include file="$(find turtlebot_bringup)/launch/includes/mobile_base.launch.xml">
<arg name="base" value="$(arg base)" />
<arg name="serialport" value="$(arg serialport)" />
<include file="$(find turtlebot_bringup)/launch/includes/netbook.launch.xml">
<arg name="battery" value="$(arg battery)" />
<!-- Rapp Manager -->
<arg name="rapp_auto_installation" default="false" doc="automatically install rapps from the web (not typically used)"/> <!-- http://wiki.ros.org/rocon_app_manager/Tutorials/indigo/Automatic Rapp Installation -->
<arg name="rapp_auto_start" default="" doc="pick an app to autostart, e.g. 'rocon_apps/talker'"/>
<arg name="rapp_package_whitelist" default="$(env TURTLEBOT_RAPP_PACKAGE_WHITELIST)" doc="a list of catkin packages that provide rapps to be loaded by the app manager."/>
<arg name="rapp_package_blacklist" default="$(env TURTLEBOT_RAPP_PACKAGE_BLACKLIST)" doc="a list of catkin packages to blacklist from providing rapps."/>
<arg name="rapp_preferred_configuration_file" default="$(find turtlebot_bringup)/param/preferred_rapp.yaml" doc="a configuration of preferred rapps"/>
<arg name="robot_icon" default="turtlebot_bringup/turtlebot2.png" doc="passed to user interfaces to socialise the turtlebot's appearance"/>
<arg name="rapp_verbose" default="true" doc="show verbose output from running apps (aka roslaunch --screen)"/>
<!-- ***************************** Rocon Master Info ************************** -->
<arg name="robot_description" default="Kick-ass ROS turtle"/>
<!-- Capabilities -->
<arg name="capabilities" default="true" doc="start and register an ...