remove ros kinetic(apt-get remove not work)

asked 2019-01-22 13:34:09 -0500

zhaozhongChen gravatar image

updated 2019-01-30 18:39:31 -0500

I know this question has been asked before but I didn't see anyone has the similar question like mine. Normally the way to remove ROS is sudo apt-get remove ros-kinetic-*. However after I type this in my terminal, what I got is

Package 'ros-kinetic-dwa-local-planner' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'ros-kinetic-dwb-critics' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'ros-kinetic-dwb-local-planner' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'ros-kinetic-dwb-msgs' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'ros-kinetic-dwb-plugins' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'ros-kinetic-dynamic-edt-3d' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'ros-kinetic-dynamic-tf-publisher' is not installed, so not removed

Anyway seems the apt-get cannot detect that the ros is installed. My ros kinetic version is surely installed, I can still use roscore, catkin_make, create package and run code and so on. I don't know if anyone has similar problems?



Thanks for your comment. I have double checked my version is kinetic using dpkg -l | grep ros-kinetic. Everything is about kinetic. This problem is still not solved, I just quit deleting ros now. Hope in the future I can get the answer

The following is what I have got after dpkg -l | grep ros-kinetic | head

ii  ros-kinetic-actionlib                         1.11.13-0xenial-20181107-005241-0800                            amd64        The actionlib stack provides a standardized interface for interfacing with preemptable tasks.
ii  ros-kinetic-actionlib-msgs                    1.12.7-0xenial-20181107-003646-0800                             amd64        actionlib_msgs defines the common messages to interact with an action server and an action client.
ii  ros-kinetic-actionlib-tutorials               0.1.10-0xenial-20181107-005940-0800                             amd64        The actionlib_tutorials package
ii  ros-kinetic-angles                            1.9.11-0xenial-20180824-102548-0800                             amd64        This package provides a set of simple math utilities to work with angles.
ii  ros-kinetic-bond                              1.8.3-0xenial-20181005-101651-0800                              amd64        A bond allows two processes, A and B, to know when the other has terminated, either cleanly or by crashing.
ii  ros-kinetic-bond-core                         1.8.3-0xenial-20181005-140628-0800                              amd64        A bond allows two processes, A and B, to know when the other has terminated, either cleanly or by crashing.
ii  ros-kinetic-bondcpp                           1.8.3-0xenial-20181005-135036-0800                              amd64        C++ implementation of bond, a mechanism for checking when another process has terminated.
ii  ros-kinetic-bondpy                            1.8.3-0xenial-20181005-134911-0800                              amd64        Python implementation of bond, a mechanism for checking when another process has terminated.
ii  ros-kinetic-camera-calibration                1.12.23-0xenial-20181107-013926-0800                            amd64        camera_calibration allows easy calibration of monocular or stereo cameras using a checkerboard calibration target.
ii  ros-kinetic-camera-calibration-parsers        1.11.13-0xenial-20181107-012232-0800                            amd64        camera_calibration_parsers contains routines for reading and writing camera calibration parameters.
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Perhaps you have a different version of ROS installed, or you installed from source instead of through apt?

ahendrix gravatar image ahendrix  ( 2019-01-22 23:35:10 -0500 )edit

I'd check whether any ROS pkgs are actually installed using dpkg -l | grep ros-kinetic.

gvdhoorn gravatar image gvdhoorn  ( 2019-01-23 02:19:15 -0500 )edit

I have double checked my version is kinetic

can you show us the output of dpkg -l | grep ros-kinetic | head?

Also: even if apt tells you that some pkgs are not installed and it can't remove them, it should proceed with removing the ones that are installed.

If instead apt shows you ..

gvdhoorn gravatar image gvdhoorn  ( 2019-01-30 02:59:15 -0500 )edit

.. an error and doesn't do anything, then please show us the error message.

We cannot guess that is going wrong.

gvdhoorn gravatar image gvdhoorn  ( 2019-01-30 03:00:05 -0500 )edit

Thanks for the update, but you didn't respond to this question:

If apt shows you an error and doesn't do anything, then please show us the error message.

gvdhoorn gravatar image gvdhoorn  ( 2019-01-31 02:52:32 -0500 )edit