Autonomous indoor drone with physical waypoint(DWM1001) using ardrone

asked 2019-01-05 07:15:28 -0500

hadi20107 gravatar image

Hi everyone

I'm currently working on my final year project for university, which consist on a drone that have to fly autonomously indoor, around 4 physical waypoints like in a loop .

Every waypoint(DWM1001) on the ground sends the coordinate to a master waypoint which is placed on top of the drone. The drone is then able to work out the triangulation (xyz). Also able to tell the distance between drone to each waypoint.

My question is how do I tell the drone to go from xyz(drone) to xyz(waypoint)? I have looked online and I come up with few solutions but they not efficient or too hard to implement:

-moveit! framework which looks great from tutorials but couldn't figure out how to make it work for ardrone. The planned path doesn't execute on gazebo, have tried on real drone.

-use proportional controller from turtlesim move_to_goal example, which seems the only easy and nice solution.

-Use astar algorithm to calculate shortest path, and sends command to PID based on the shortest path.

If anyone has a better approach or idea please let me know, thanks in advance for your help. Here is my GitHub project feel free to contribute.

Cheers Hadi

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