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Problem with fanuc robot about connection between RVIZ and ROBOGUIDE (and Real robot)

asked 2018-12-01 01:58:25 -0500

s000ne gravatar image

updated 2018-12-03 02:30:20 -0500

gvdhoorn gravatar image

Hi Nice to meet.

I'm trying to connect ROS to Fanuc ROBOGUIDE (Simulation environment) and also real robot according to the tutorial ( ).

However, I have a problem with connection between ROS (RVIZ) and ROBOGUIDE as follows:

First I run TP program (ROSSTATE) and run on Linux PC as:

roslaunch fanuc_lrmate200id_support robot_state_visualize_lrmate200id.launch robot_ip:=IP_OF_ROBOGUIDE use_bswap:=false

RVIZ started but the robots configuration (RVIZ and ROBOGUIDE) are not match.

And in console there is a error massage like:

Failed to connect to server, rc -1, Error: "No route to host" (errno: 113)

The massage on TP is

34447 I RSTA Waiting for ROS state prox

How Do I fix this problem. I appreciate someone can help me.

Best regard

Edit: There is still problem with connection.

I tried setting IP and gateway as follows: Linux PC IP: Mask: (Default Gateway:

WinPC (installed ROBOGUIDE) IP: Mask:

ROBOT (ROBOGUIDE) IP: Mask: (Default gateway:

Connection between Linux and Windows seems to be good (by ping) However, I couldn't connect to (virtual) robot. Are there mistakes with IP setting described above. (Sorry I am not good at communication)

I'd appreciate your help.

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1 Answer

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answered 2018-12-01 02:52:38 -0500

gvdhoorn gravatar image

updated 2018-12-03 02:35:17 -0500

And in console there is a error massage like:

Failed to connect to server, rc -1, Error: "No route to host" (errno: 113)

The massage on TP is

34447 I RSTA Waiting for ROS state prox

This tells me that the driver hasn't actually connected to your Roboguide simulation.

RVIZ started but the robots configuration (RVIZ and ROBOGUIDE) are not match.

which would be the case if the driver hasn't actually connected to Roboguide.

First I run TP program (ROSSTATE) and run on Linux PC as:

roslaunch fanuc_lrmate200id_support robot_state_visualize_lrmate200id.launch robot_ip:=IP_OF_ROBOGUIDE use_bswap:=false

Did you replace IP_OF_ROBOGUIDE with an actual IP address (ie:

Can you ping the IP of the computer running Roboguide from your ROS computer?

If you cannot, then the driver cannot connect either.

If you can ping, and have replaced IP_OF_ROBOGUIDE with the actual IP address, but the driver still cannot connect, make sure your Windows machine isn't blocking incoming connections to Roboguide. Check the Windows Firewall settings.


I tried setting IP and gateway as follows: Linux PC IP: Mask: (Default Gateway:

WinPC (installed ROBOGUIDE) IP: Mask:

ROBOT (ROBOGUIDE) IP: Mask: (Default gateway:

Connection between Linux and Windows seems to be good (by ping) However, I couldn't connect to (virtual) robot. Are there mistakes with IP setting described above. (Sorry I am not good at communication)

The problem here is that you are trying to configure the virtual robot's IP, which doesn't work.

Roboguide will always use the IP of your Windows PC for the virtual robot.

So in your case, the IP of your virtual robot is If you use that IP for the robot_ip argument to the launch file, things should start working.

Edit 2:

Hello, finally I could connect to my LR mate from RVIZ. The initial configuration of rviz robot is same as the real one. However, it doesn't trace jogging motion.

please update your original question with the exact sequence of steps and commands you use to start everything. On both the ROS PC and the Roboguide robot Teach Pendant (or the real one).

Use the edit button/link to append (ie: add, don't overwrite) the new information to your original question text.

Also: have you checked the troubleshooting guide for the driver?

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Thank you answering my question.

I used actual IP address of robot (and also ROBOGUIDE) instead of IP_OF_ROBOGUIDE.

I tried to confirm connection via ping, it was unreachable. Like you said, that is the reason why connection is failure.

s000ne gravatar image s000ne  ( 2018-12-01 06:12:24 -0500 )edit

Ok, well that would be the first thing to fix.

If IP connectivity is restored I suspect the rest will start working as well.

gvdhoorn gravatar image gvdhoorn  ( 2018-12-01 07:12:13 -0500 )edit

Hello, finally I could connect to my LR mate from RVIZ. The initial configuration of rviz robot is same as the real one. However, it doesn't trace jogging motion.

Do you have any idea?

I would appreciate your help.


s000ne gravatar image s000ne  ( 2018-12-03 02:24:56 -0500 )edit

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Asked: 2018-12-01 01:58:25 -0500

Seen: 1,410 times

Last updated: Dec 03 '18