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How to extract images from a bagfile properly [closed]

asked 2018-03-20 02:04:38 -0500

Teddy_NTU gravatar image

Currently I have a bag file which recorded a camera view topic. Now I want to extract the image date with its corresponding time stamp. I am able to get the png form of the image data using the official way provided by ROS wiki, but some frames are missing even if I change the sec_per_frame parameter to be lower than 0.03. I am wondering what is the proper way to extract the image data.

To get the Bag Time, I simply rosplay the bag file and copy the information comes out from the terminal manually. It is okay for short-time recording, but definitely not a possible way for a long-time one. Is there a way I can save the bag time stamp into a text file directly? Is it possible to get the extracted images along with its corresponding time stamp?


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Closed for the following reason the question is answered, right answer was accepted by Teddy_NTU
close date 2018-03-21 21:31:17.410753

1 Answer

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answered 2018-03-20 10:40:05 -0500

Not sure if there is a tool included or available, but if not, the rosbag API can help you to write a little tool in Python or C++.

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Asked: 2018-03-20 02:04:38 -0500

Seen: 713 times

Last updated: Mar 20 '18