Package Image Saving and 2D map generation with Kinect

asked 2018-03-16 06:14:11 -0500

Shapy gravatar image

Hello There!

I am presently building a 4 wheeled UGV, that does object recognition and 2D mapping for it's environment in ROS version Kinetic Kame. I need to capture images of the robot's environment and have a depth sensor to build a 2D occupancy map. I am using the the Microsoft Kinect v1 for this project. I bought it and tested it's working using RVIZ and image_view package. I have figured out exactly which rostopic that contains the rgb image feed and depth feed. Now I have 2 questions,

1) How do I go about building a package that uses rospy based scripts to get video feed from the specific rostopic and convert it to images that can be saved on-board?

2) How do I use the rostopic that contains the depth values to create a 2D occupancy map?

Thank You!!!

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