How can I get sen-14001 working with Kinetic?
Guys I cant seem to get this working with Kinetic - I get the following error and cant get any output on the serial monitor:
[display_3D_visualization_node-3] process has died [pid 23261, exit code 1, cmd /opt/ros/kinetic/share/razor_imu_9dof/nodes/ __name:=display_3D_visualization_node __log:=/home/kbrown/.ros/log/d7cd8e46-087a-11e8-8f0c-809b20e2e254/display_3D_visualization_node-3.log]. log file: /home/kbrown/.ros/log/d7cd8e46-087a-11e8-8f0c-809b20e2e254/display_3D_visualization_node-3*.log
i can't get anything out of the sensor
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