rosbag record high data rates

asked 2018-01-31 12:39:15 -0500

Flautz gravatar image

I have a i7 system with a RAID 0 of 8 SSDs with a write performance of about 1.4 GB/s (measured).

Now I am trying to record a topic with raw data with about 400 MB/s (45Hz, message size of 9.3MB). Rosbag skips many frames and does not manage to record this. When increasing the buffer size to unlimited using "-b 0", the ram usage raises until 100% and then rosbag crashes.

Nmon shows that the disk is not at its limit and the cpu usage of all cores is about 50%. Can anyone help me what is happening there?

Maybe it would help using nodelets here but rosbag does not support that, right?

Could transport hints help here, e.g. switching to udp or tcp_no_delay?

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Maybe it would help using nodelets here but rosbag does not support that, right?


gvdhoorn gravatar image gvdhoorn  ( 2018-01-31 13:04:30 -0500 )edit

@gvdhoorn Have you used nodelet_rosbag? Any catch? Is it reliable? Can it really substitute rosbag? I cannot find any info on it. :(

tanasis gravatar image tanasis  ( 2018-07-31 10:16:22 -0500 )edit

Haven't used it myself, but know of a few people who have.

re: info: no, there isn't anything afaik. It was the result of an internal OSRF project.

gvdhoorn gravatar image gvdhoorn  ( 2018-07-31 12:20:37 -0500 )edit