Camera Pose Calibration Valid_Pattern_Ratio_Threshold and Circle Spacing
Hi, I started working with the Camera Pose Calibration Package by Delft Robotics ( ) to find extrinsic calibration parameters for a Realsense SR300 camera. I tried to use the calibration service, but I am unsure regarding some service parameters, especially the calibration pattern. After a few hours of debugging I am able to call the calibration service and get the transform matrix, but there are two issues remaining.
Unfortunately the values change significantly from one service call to another, but this could be noise. Maybe I have to adjust the “valid_pattern_ratio_threshold” and the “neighbor_distance”?
I use a 4x11 asymmetric circle grid (""). There is a parameter called “circle spacing” which is 2cm, but I think this isn’t the “patterin_distance” which has to be used.
Thanks for replies!