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fatal error: rqt_gui_cpp/plugin.h: No such file or directory

asked 2017-06-15 10:40:36 -0500

houssem gravatar image


I'm trying to build PTAM on ROS : but I'm getting the following error:

remote_ptam.h:38:32: fatal error: rqt_gui_cpp/plugin.h: No such file or directory

I checked and rqt_gui_cpp/plugin.h does exist under /opt/ros/kinetic/include.

I'm working with Ros Kinetic on Ubuntu 16.04.

QMake version 2.01a Using Qt version 4.8.7 in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu

Does anyone know what's wrong?

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answered 2017-06-15 19:32:54 -0500

lucasw gravatar image

updated 2017-06-15 19:33:12 -0500

It was mostly missing some package dependencies, I updated it to build with kinetic and made a pr.

You can try it out (I don't know if it works, I just made it build):

git clone -b kineticbuild

The changes are probably compatible with jade as well.

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Asked: 2017-06-15 10:40:36 -0500

Seen: 1,744 times

Last updated: Jun 15 '17