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[buildfarm] Missing package dependencies: %PKG_NAME%/package.xml

asked 2017-05-25 18:41:40 -0500

130s gravatar image

updated 2017-05-26 21:52:02 -0500

Pull request test on ROS buildfarm for this and this pull requests, both are in the same repo, errored with the following or similar:

10:55:45 Scanning dependencies of target _run_tests_ar_track_alvar_roslaunch-check__tmp_catkin_workspace_src_ar_track_alvar_ar_track_alvar_test_marker_param_config-full.test
10:55:45 -- execute commands
10:55:45   /usr/bin/cmake -E make_directory /tmp/catkin_workspace/test_results/ar_track_alvar
10:55:45   /opt/ros/lunar/share/roslaunch/cmake/../scripts/roslaunch-check -o /tmp/catkin_workspace/test_results/ar_track_alvar/roslaunch-check__tmp_catkin_workspace_src_ar_track_alvar_ar_track_alvar_test_marker_param_config-full.test.xml /tmp/catkin_workspace/src/ar_track_alvar/ar_track_alvar/test/marker_param_config-full.test 
10:55:45 checking /tmp/catkin_workspace/src/ar_track_alvar/ar_track_alvar/test/marker_param_config-full.test
10:55:45 the rosdep view is empty: call 'sudo rosdep init' and 'rosdep update'
10:55:45 Missing package dependencies: ar_track_alvar/package.xml: rostest, rosbag
10:55:45 ...writing test results to /tmp/catkin_workspace/test_results/ar_track_alvar/roslaunch-check__tmp_catkin_workspace_src_ar_track_alvar_ar_track_alvar_test_marker_param_config-full.test.xml
10:55:45 FAILURE:

Both rostest, rosbag are defined as test_depend in package.xml.

FYI the same pull request passes on Travis CI.

UPDATE1: To the answer to Dirk,

The error message indicates that it is failing because the rosdep database has not been fetched.

Where is rosdep called during 14.3. run tests section?

And what would you suggest to let the tests pass? Since I only see an invocation of catkin_make_isolated before the error occurs, I can only suspect CMakeLists.txt where rostest is find_packaged, although this doesn't yet explain why rosbag is tried to be I am at a loss.

I even tried the following to run tests locally to mimic 14.3. run tests section, which passed without an issue.

rm -fr ~/.ros/rosdep/sources.cache/
catkin_make_isolated --pkg ar_track_alvar --force-cmake --cmake-args -DCATKIN_ENABLE_TESTING=1 -DCATKIN_SKIP_TESTING=0 -DCATKIN_TEST_RESULTS_DIR=/tmp/catkin_workspace/test_results --catkin-make-args -j1 run_tests

UPDATE2: I see, now I can replicate the error locally (I had to remove ALL rosdep dbs like below, not just one in my previous update):

rm -fr ~/.ros/rosdep/sources.cache/
sudo rm -fr /etc/ros/rosdep

I am not sure what you are using that for in your package though.

I need rostest for add_rostest macro I think, which is also documented in Catkin's manual so I think legitimate thing to do. Also my test needs rosbag to play a bag file, which I assumed legitimate as well since the Catkin's doc above shows a way to download a .bag file during test.

The buildfarm does not setup the rosdep database for you since it doesn't need it. Therefore you can't rely on it being present. : rosbag is being installed since as you mentioned is listed as a test dependency in your referenced package.xml file.

Hmmm...sorry but I'm still confused. Now I understand that the buildfarm does not have rosdep db, but then I don't know how rosbag get installed.

Anyways, all I want is to run tests that require packages defined in test_depend.

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1 Answer

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answered 2017-05-25 19:15:49 -0500

Dirk Thomas gravatar image

updated 2017-05-30 11:18:44 -0500

In the section "13. Build Dockerfile - build and test" of the build output it shows the two test depenencies (ros-lunar-rosbag and ros-lunar-rostest) are being installed.

The error message indicates that it is failing because the rosdep database has not been fetched. Since the buildfarm doesn't need it within a job it doesn't call rosdep update within the context the package is being built. Therefore you can't rely on rosdep being able to query dependencies.

I am not sure what you are using that for in your package though.


The buildfarm does not setup the rosdep database for you since it doesn't need it. Therefore you can't rely on it being present.

And what would you suggest to let the tests pass?

Since I don't know what your tests are using the rosdep database for I can't give a recommendation.

although this doesn't yet explain why rosbag is tried to be installed

rosbag is being installed since as you mentioned is listed as a test dependency in your referenced package.xml file.

I even tried the following to run tests locally to mimic 14.3. run tests section, which passed without an issue.

Locally it likely works since you have a rosdep database - at some point you ran sudo rosdep init and rosdep update. You could delete the rosdep database and try it again and I would assume it fails the same way as on the buildfarm.


Hmmm...sorry but I'm still confused. Now I understand that the buildfarm does not have rosdep db, but then I don't know how rosbag get installed.

Anyways, all I want is to run tests that require packages defined in test_depend.

The installation of test dependencies has nothing to do with the rosdep db being initialized / updated. Your job does have both test dependencies installed (rosbag as well as rostest). Both of them should be usable without requiring a rosdep database. So in order to find out why your package fails you will need to check what it needs the rosdep db for.

It looks like you are running roslaunch-check but without the necessary arguments. Please see with the same question. You will need to use the option described in to make your test work without the rosdep db.

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Thank you for taking a deeper look. Passing USE_TEST_DEPENDENCIES arg seems to solve the particular issue. I also added this info to roslaunch wiki but not confident at all if the change I added is the best delineated.

130s gravatar image 130s  ( 2017-05-30 14:32:09 -0500 )edit

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Asked: 2017-05-25 18:41:40 -0500

Seen: 975 times

Last updated: May 30 '17