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Get sensor data using Crazyflie ROS Package

asked 2017-04-10 03:49:34 -0500

thanhvu94 gravatar image

Hello everyone,

I'm new to ROS, I just learnt the basic but I have never coded ROS before. However, I need to get/store sensor data from Crazyflie and publish it on the screen for my project. Can anyone give me some steps I need to do or some references with similar code I can consult to achieve my purpose? If it's possible, the simple or detailed it is, the better.

Thank you!

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1 Answer

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answered 2017-04-10 04:30:19 -0500

updated 2017-04-10 04:37:56 -0500

Welcome to the ROS Community! Searching around the ROS wiki will give you the answer most of the times!

I found this package while looking for relevant stuff. Assuming you have Crazyflie 1.0 (or 2.0 with stock firmware) this package promises to work out of the box for you! Unfortunately I do not have a Crazyflie to test it, but seems like a good start even if it is not exactly what you need.

For a quick example, if you just need all the imu data that is being published to be stored in a file, you could just open a terminal (while the driver of the Crazyflie is running), and execute rostopic echo /topic_name >> filename.txt while replacing topic_name with your preferred topic (/imu) and filename.txt with your preferred file.

Good luck with your project!

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Asked: 2017-04-10 03:49:34 -0500

Seen: 368 times

Last updated: Apr 10 '17