How to make the leg_detector work? [closed]
Hey, I'm a newbie in ROS, and now I'm trying to use the leg_detector for detecting human and get their position. I have one question about this package. I have clone this leg_detector into my src, but when I run both people_tracking and leg_detector, it shows
[ERROR] [1491315024.743599897]: Client [/people_tracker] wants topic /people_tracker_measurements to have datatype/md5sum [people_msgs/PositionMeasurement/54fa938b4ec28728e01575b79eb0ec7c], but our version has [people_msgs/PositionMeasurementArray/59c860d40aa739ec920eb3ad24ae019e]. Dropping connection.
So, I just run the leg_detector node single, but there is nothing shown in the RVIZ. I just want to know if I want to detect human leg and get their position, how can I achieve this?