ERROR with Map_Server. Not able to open .yaml file. Using prebuilt Map with AMCL launch file- how to execute with RVIZ.
I currently have made my map using Hector Slam and saved the map as .yaml file and .pgm .
I have downloaded the Navigation stack as well using git source: . Also ran catkin_make afterwards.
Now, I am trying to implement AMCL by placing my robot( irobot create 2) onto the map and do autonomous mapping.
I am getting an error when i run am amcl file... which says " MapServer could not open <.yaml> file." Please see attached for my code.
Screenshot from 2017-03-23 10-48-08.png
I was able to upload map onto RVIZ, and executed amcl with proper tf/ messages. However, when I move the robot towards a location, the PoseArray points do not move. Please recommend a suggestion. Here is the screen pic. Screenshot from 2017-03-23 14-55-11.png
I ran the following commands simultaneously.. roslaunch hector_slam_launch tutorial.launch rosrun map_server map_server <file>.yaml roslaunch amcl amcl_diff.launch
but received message "No laser scan rece