sensor_msg:Imu format specification
Hi, I was confused by what data should go into the sensor_msg::Imu message. It has a field called linear_acceleration. The existing users and provider assume that it takes acceleration containing the gravity vector, and thus it doesn't actually correspond to a linear movement. I found this terminology surprising, expecting to find a gravity-subtracted acceleration. I also noticed that it doesn't appear to be documented whether orientation corresponds to a rotation from the body to some fixed frame or the opposite, and similar considerations for the other fields. A long discussion of the coordinate frame conventions can be found here!top...
My question is: is there any specification of the expected contents?
ps I ran into this when trying the ROS driver for my employer's LPMS IMUs which can be found here I made a blog post on my experience using it here:
This appears to be a duplicate of #q255865. Could you please decide which one you'd like to keep and close / delete the other one?
Thanks. After writing the first attempt, I was led through the login / account creation process. When I finished this my post appeared to have vanished with not mention of moderation. Not knowing about this, I wrote it anew. Sorry about the extra work for you.
No problem. I just couldn't decide which one was more 'correct', so I thought I'd leave the choice to you.