ros-matlab connection issue

asked 2016-10-08 09:28:05 -0500

lekhoa gravatar image

Dear All, I am studying how to use ROS in Matlab. I use in two separate computers: one is a single board computer (Ubuntu, IP, and one is a laptop with Matlab (Window, I used wifi connection for the communication. I have an issue with the network setup and I hope that you could help me to figure out. I run roscore and one node in single board computer to collect data from an IMU and the following commands to setup the ROS_IP and ROS_MASTR_URI: export ROS_IP= export ROS_MASTER_URI=

And in Matlab, I declare the following command to setup the connection: setenv('ROS_MASTER_URI','') setenv('ROS_IP',') rosinit(’’) Then, I run “rostopic list” to check the connection and it shows all topics. However, when I run “rostopic echo” it does not display any data. I cannot use "receive" to get data either. Did I miss any step? Thank you for your help Regards

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