Should Should I use "/vslam/pose" or “vslam/pose_world” while using ethzasl_msf?

asked 2016-09-08 03:54:19 -0500

mufurong gravatar image

updated 2016-09-08 04:32:37 -0500

gvdhoorn gravatar image

While using the package named ethzasl_msf, in the lanch file which named pose_sensor.launch,

I am confusing with

<remap from="msf_updates/pose_with_covariance_input" to="vslam/pose"/>


<remap from="msf_updates/pose_with_covariance_input" to="vslam/pose_world"/>

which one is right ?? The topic vslam/pose and vslam/pose_world are published by the package named ethzasl_ptam. Thank you!!!

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