testing launch files in install_space?
Hi all,
The question I have is actually pretty short:
Is there a way to run roslaunch checks in an install space?
Let me give you a short rationale of my current thoughts:
In ROS, there are three different types of tests you can have (afaik):
- Unit Tests (using gtest or unittest) for testing functionality
- rostests for testing ROS Nodes and other ROS stuff (e.g. publishers/subscribers)
- roslaunch checks (very bottom of the page) using
IMO, 1. and 2. should be run in the build/devel space, as those test targets and launchfiles should not be installed (even though there are some packages doing this, e.g. gazebo_plugins/test/set_model_state_test, which then does fail as the required test executable is not, and cannot be, installed.)
However, for 3. it would be beneficial to check this in the install space as well. This would help to detect missing install tags of executables, launch files and yaml files.
How can I achieve this? catkin_make run_tests
is always running in devel/build/src.
@William@tfoote maybe some insights from you?