Use yaml-cpp in ROS Indigo

asked 2016-02-24 05:31:30 -0500

ne0h gravatar image

updated 2016-02-25 03:03:44 -0500


I am trying to use yaml-cpp in ROS Indigo. My minimal example works fine in plain c++ so a started a new ROS service to return nicely formatted yaml-code. I added <build_depend>yaml-cpp</build_depend> and <run_depend>yaml-cpp</run_depend> to package.xml and updated to target_link_libraries(stairwaydetector ${catkin_LIBRARIES} yamĺ-cpp) in CMakeLists.txt. But catkin_make does not find it: /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lyamĺ-cpp.

All necessary packages should be installed:

i A libyaml-cpp-dev - YAML parser and emitter for C++ - development files
p libyaml-cpp-dev:i386 - YAML parser and emitter for C++ - development files
p libyaml-cpp0.3 - YAML parser and emitter for C++ (0.3 series)
p libyaml-cpp0.3:i386 - YAML parser and emitter for C++ (0.3 series)
p libyaml-cpp0.3-dev - YAML parser and emitter for C++ - development files (0.3 series)
p libyaml-cpp0.3-dev:i386 - YAML parser and emitter for C++ - development files (0.3 series)
i A libyaml-cpp0.5 - YAML parser and emitter for C++
p libyaml-cpp0.5:i386 - YAML parser and emitter for C++
i ros-indigo-yaml-cpp-0-3 - Legacy version of yaml cpp without boost, namespaced to avoid system con p ros-indigo-yaml-cpp-0-3:i386 - Legacy version of yaml cpp without boost, namespaced to avoid system con

What do I miss? Thanks in advance!

UPDATE: It works! Had a nearly invisible typo in "yaml-cpp".

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