Waypoints and trajectory definition for Robot Web Tools?

asked 2016-02-16 05:54:08 -0500

dotcom gravatar image


After some research, I am close to conclude that there is no developed ROS package to add waypoint and trajectory definition functionality for web based interfaces. I've seen nav2djs, but only basic goal definition is provided.

If this is the case, I would like to develop something like this. Does anyone have any recommendations? I would like to know, for instance, if it's better (for the community) to:

  1. Have it be part of an already developed tools such as the ROS Control Center;
  2. Be an addon to the previously mentioned nav2djs
  3. A standalone project all together.

I have sufficient knowledge to create this, but I have no experience in large community projects such as ROS and would like to know which is the correct way to proceed.

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Hi, did you find a solution for drawing the path using roslibjs ?

SH_Developer gravatar image SH_Developer  ( 2016-06-30 09:09:22 -0500 )edit

Sorry it took a long time to answer (thought i'd get an e-mail). I ended up using the rviz interactive markers and ros3djs to show (and interact with) them. Here you go: http://robotwebtools.org/jsdoc/ros3dj...

dotcom gravatar image dotcom  ( 2016-09-23 04:45:19 -0500 )edit

And here's what I ended up with: http://i.imgur.com/JKe3TD3.png

dotcom gravatar image dotcom  ( 2016-09-23 04:47:32 -0500 )edit