Book: Learning ROS for Robotics Programming, 2nd Edn; Chapter 4 example1 Not Working - dynamaximal driver not installed
I thoroughly followed all the instructions given on chapter 4 of the book (Learning ROS for Robotics Programming 2nd edition) on Jade. That's the error I am seeing ![image description]. I have also followed all the instructions given in ROS tutorials ( ) but doing this giving me another type of error i.e. dynamaximal driver not installed. If possible please help me for any of it.
I am using ubuntu 15.04 on Jade. Thanks in advance.
I can't see the images you posted. Please edit your question to include your error messages as text. (The preformatted text button
is good for this).I have a suspicion that this is a CMake problem; when you update your question please also include your CMakeLists.txt