How to make a robot follow another robot

asked 2015-09-15 10:55:58 -0500

rubber bread gravatar image

Hi,all. I have two Yujin Kobuki robots. And I came up an idea today,but I don't know how to make it realize. The idea is that:I want a kobuki robot follow another kobuki robot. I can use keyboard to control the front robot , and the robot behind will follow the front robot automatic. How can I make it realize? I learn ROS only 3 months. And I don't know how to write a package, how to use others package on my own robot. I hope some one could give me some idea, or send me a package which will work correctly on my kobuki, so that I can learn from it.Thanks a lot. My email address is . I would appreciate it if you can send the package by email. △the package: turtlebot_follower doesn't work on my kobuki :(

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If you do not know how to create a package, then you should keep reading tutorials before going with a bigger task. I recommend you step by step. For instance, are you able to teleop just one turtlebot?

Javier V. Gómez gravatar image Javier V. Gómez  ( 2015-09-16 02:22:30 -0500 )edit

I have already finished reading the beginning tutorials. I can teleop my turtlebot now.

rubber bread gravatar image rubber bread  ( 2015-09-16 02:57:14 -0500 )edit

Then a first easy step is to create a package in which you give a point (assuming no obstacles) and the robot moves automatically to that point

Javier V. Gómez gravatar image Javier V. Gómez  ( 2015-09-16 03:17:27 -0500 )edit

OK, I'll try.Thanks

rubber bread gravatar image rubber bread  ( 2015-09-16 03:39:31 -0500 )edit